Gazpacho Andaluz

Gazpacho Andaluz

Cooking time10 minutes

Gazpacho is the well-known cold tomato soup made from tomatoes, cucumbers, sweet peppers, onions and garlic. This recipe is for Gazpacho Andaluz, the perfect refreshing dish for hot summer days.

I want to make

Gazpacho Andaluz

    1. Cut the Looye JOYN tomatoes into quarters.

    2. Remove the seeds from the red pepper and chop into cubes. Put half of the red pepper cubes to one side in a bowl for the garnish.

    3. Peel the cucumber and cut into quarters lengthwise. This makes it easier to remove the watery seeds. Next, cut the firm flesh into small cubes. Put a quarter of the cubes to one side in a bowl for the garnish.

    4. Peel and finely chop the onions.

    5. Peel the garlic cloves.

    6. Cut the crusts off the bread.


    1. Peel and finely chop the shallots and put them in a bowl.


    1. Soak the bread in some cold broth.

    2. Mix the onion, garlic, cucumber, red pepper, Looye JOYN tomatoes and bread in a large bowl.

    3. Put the vegetables and the soaked bread in a blender and mix to a creamy puree.

    4. Add some stock if necessary until the soup has the desired thickness.

    5. Add the white wine vinegar and olive oil and blend again.

    6. Season the soup with a pinch of sea salt and black pepper.

    7. Pour the soup into a large mixing bowl, cover and refrigerate for 1 to 2 hours.


    1. 1 Croutons: cut the slice of white bread into small cubes, ½ to 1 cm (¼ - ½ in.). Heat a splash of olive oil in a pan and add the bread cubes. Fry the cubes for 5 to 6 minutes on medium heat, shake or turn the cubes every now and then so that they are nicely golden brown and crispy all over. Drain the cubes on kitchen paper and put them in a separate bowl.


    1. Press the soup through a round sieve with a ladle.

    2. Taste the soup and season with salt, pepper and white wine vinegar if necessary. If you want to add some heat to the gazpacho, you can add a few drops of Tabasco

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