Tour de Tomato

Tour de Tomato

Welcome to the official 'Tour de Tomato' page.

For cycling and tomato fans, there's only one tour that counts this year: the Tour de Tomato! This summer, Looye Kwekers gives each participant in its Tour de Tomato a chance to win one of a 100 unique tomato-dot jerseys!

What is the Tour de Tomato?

During the Tour de France, Looye Kwekers invites everyone to hop on a bicycle and take part in the Tour de Tomato. But that’s not all – we also challenge you to use the Strava sports app to create a route in the shape of a tomato, greenhouse, or anything else to do with Looye Kwekers. Here’s an example to inspire you: 


Instruction Tour de Tomaat

 Everyone can participate, and you can decide on the distance yourself. You might even be one of the lucky 100 winners of a tomato-dot jersey! 


What do you have to do to be eligible to win a tomato-dot jersey?

  • Install Strava and add Looye Kwekers as a friend.  
  • Draw your route in the shape of a tomato or anything else to do with Looye Kwekers.
  • Ride your route using Strava and share your results with Looye Kwekers: 
  • Tell us about your ride. Do this by completing the form below.
  • As you might guess, we'd also appreciate your sharing your route on social media. #tourdetomato #tomatodotjersey #looyekwekers


  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • LinkedIn

You can participate from 29 August until 20 September. The names of the winners will be announced on 21 September! 

Watch the video to see how we created our sample route.

Here are the terms and conditions for this promotional activity.

Does the distance I ride make any difference?

No, there is no minimum or maximum distance.

I'll be riding in a group. May my group members submit the same route?

Yes, that's OK. Each person may participate only once, but your teammates may submit the same route. 

Which apps are recommended for drawing a route?

Strava premium (first month is free) or a similar app such as Komoot, Footpath or Google Maps.

What are some good tips for drawing and riding my route?

One tip would be to start by using one of the apps listed above to draw your route. Be sure that all the roads on your route are freely accessible, and use your app to follow your route as you ride. Before you start out, check to make sure that the software works on your mobile device.

Have you completed your Tour de Tomato? 

Now it's time to fill in the details required. Please note: the sizes for these jerseys are not the same as standard clothing sizes. Use the size chart below to determine which jersey would fit you best. 

Each person is eligible to win one jersey. 

Maat *
Gegevensverwerking *
© 2025 Looye Kwekers